Performs peak calling based on insertion sites
# S4 method for DsATAC
samples = getSamples(.object),
method = "macs2_summit_fw_no",
methodOpts = list(macs2.exec = "macs2", macs2.params = c("--shift", "-75", "--extsize",
"150", "-p", "0.01"), fixedWidth = 250, genomeSizesFromObject = FALSE)
sample identifiers for which peak calling is performed
peak calling method. Currently only 'macs2_summit_fw_no'
is supported. See details section.
list of other options depending on the 'method'
parameter (see details section).
of peak coordinates for each sample
The following methods are currently supported
Fixed-width, non-overlapping peaks based on MACS2 summit calls:
1. Call peaks using system call to MACS2. You can specify the MACS2 executable in methodOpts$macs2.exec
2. Identify peak summits
3. extend peak summits on each side by a number of basepairs (specified in methodOpts$fixedWidth
; default: 250bp) to obtain unified peak widths
4. Find non-overlapping peaks by taking the peak with the best MACS2 score from each set of partially overlapping peaks